Here we are in a whole month into a new year, and even though it isn't as a bright and shiny as we all hoped it would be right from the start - there is a promise that we are going to get there at some point.
I fell off writing in this blog when things got busy last year so I am taking a page from one of my favorite people on the 'Gram, Tieghan of Half Baked Harvest, and doing a "favorite things" blog a couple times a month. I am hoping to post one every two weeks, let's see if I stick with it! With these blog posts, I will post all of my favorite things work and home related. I hope that this gives you guys a window into what it looks like to run WRP and the things that keep me going!
What i'm working on
My nephew was born on January 6th and I have been able to document him joining our family in the very best way. I am so grateful that my brother and his girlfriend live close by and that I have been able to spend time with them and new baby Jameson.
With the pandemic still so present, we have been extremely cautious even around our family and it is something that is always on our mind.

I had my first wedding of the year on January 16th at Prince of Peace Church in Crofton. Tyler and Carl had their intimate wedding ceremony with their parents and siblings to witness their vows on a cold and gray Saturday afternoon. Tyler's grandfather is a pastor and has married over 800 couples, with Tyler and Carl as his latest. The ceremony was full of sentimental moments and so much love. I am honored to have been a small part of their big day.

This is the slower WRP season with few sessions and fewer weddings, and it is honestly suiting me just fine. There is promise that this year is going to be a good one with all of the bookings that have come in and inquiries. I took a long hiatus on social media because frankly it was just too people-y out there in the internet world. I found that I was more caught up in other's lives and negative attitudes in ways that do not positively affect my own. So I logged off for a few weeks. I read more, I slept more, I binged a little more tv, I cooked and baked more, and I focused on the words and beliefs that I want to instill in our children to help make a change in this country. Certainly, it is going to take way more than a social media break and a few weeks of intentional living to make a difference but it set the tone for what I want this year to evolve around.
what i'm reading
The month of January, I have been reading Elin Hildebrand's newest trilogy, Winter in Paradise, What Happens In Paradise and Trouble In Paradise. It is SO good. It makes me want to move to St. John. I have always loved her work, usually her series makes me wish for Nantucket and the upper east coast.
I have also been reading a ton of blogs on Documentary photography to help refine my style there.
What I'm watching
I am a little behind on my favorites that are coming on regular TV, This Is Us and Million Little Things but I have started Virgin River and am about half way through season 1. It is good! It is nice because it is an adult show but I don't necessarily have to sensor it when the boys walk into room. There is nothing more irritating than having to pause your show 18 times because three little boys with sponge like brains keep walking in, hence why I watch most of my tv after bedtime.
Favorite eats
My afternoon sweet tooth seems to kick into high gear when my brain knows that big comfy sweaters and joggers are all I am wearing these days and it is rare that I don't make a trip into Tasty Toucan on the weekend.
favorite Wears
I am such an impulse buyer on anything comfortable, especially if I get the email saying there is a sale. Right now I am living in Aerie's Dreamspun Oversize sweaters and Old Navy's cozecore leggings. Oh and my Amazon slippers. I pretty much cycle through the same three outfits so if you see me twice in one week and it looks like I haven't changed my clothes, don't judge!
favorite hears
Lately, the only thing I have been listening to is my playlist for the gym which of course is filled with Lizzo, Demi Lovato, Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, and the like. I did buy my first pair of wireless headphones that I am not too thrilled about it but too lazy to return and research better ones.

What's coming up
I sent out my first e-newsletter to the WRP clients and I am working on the next round, you may have already received it and it is full of information on the special way that I am jumping back into work right now.
I have adjusted the pricing and packages for sessions. You can find the info over under the "DETAILS" tab of this website. Session pricing ranges from $175-$330 and wedding pricing ranges from $2200-$3600. It is important to me that I keep the pricing of WRP attainable for you and also to keep me making a living to support my family with. I hope that you find that is true, and if you have ever any questions regarding pricing or a payment plan, discounts, etc never hesitate to reach out!
My latest session is one of my closest friend's new baby's session. Their house is like it is straight out of a magazine and their 2 year old daughter is the cutest, wittiest little kid I have ever known. I can't wait to share some of their session!
February has a few engagement sessions for 2021 weddings and a maternity session. The 2021 wedding season seems to be taking the same path as the 2020 weddings and has become a little more fluid than the norm which is totally fine. I don't associate reschedule fees when the reschedule is due to the pandemic and with the latest 2021 wedding to move into '22, I am back with wide open wedding books for 2021 & 2022, tell your friends!